My Cameras

So I for my Camera I have a Polaroid Z2300, and for those of you who don’t know what that is here is what it looks like:


(picture from

Now, this camera is really cool. It combines the digital camera with a classic instant camera. It has a memory card (not included, must buy separately), prints 2×3 pictures or wallet size, and takes relatively good pictures for a digital-instant camera.

This is an awesome way to share pictures on an instant. It does have it’s downside though, the film is very sensitive to heat and coldness, and I find if it is too hot or cold when printed, it can have a bluish tint. The pictures, however, on the Memory Card come out really well, although they are square pictures instead of a typical rectangle.

The other camera I use is on my Samsung Galaxy s6. It has a surprisingly great camera for a phone, and if I don’t have my Polaroid with me (which is rare) I can always snap a picture with my phone. The picture above with the sunset is one I took with my Galaxy. I will admit however I had to play around with my camera settings for brightness, contrast, and various other things to get this picture to come out exactly how it was in the sky that night.

That is how 90% of my pictures on this site are taken. Either with the Polaroid z2300 or the Samsung Galaxy.

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